學(xué)習(xí)頻道 來源: 長春市十一高 2024-07-20 大 中 小
第二節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題,每題1.5分,滿分30分)
As a customer representative for a supermarket in the US, my daily work includes hundreds of phone calls about the supermarket’s pre-paid debit cards(預(yù)付借記卡). The way the 46 speak sometimes makes me feel sick. But what makes it 47 is my mindset(觀念). Every day I wake up and promise to be a helper of my callers. I go beyond our rules in dealing with people 48 and try to make it cheerful for them, 49 phone calls are limited to just a few minutes.
One of my callers was 50 because she had made the wrong insurance payment that would 51 her son in college not receiving any pay outs, leaving him without any 52 for a week or two. The mother requested that the payment she had made using her card be 53 and that the funds be put back on her 54 . I told her it would take 10 business days for the funds to be released back to the account, according to the 55 . I could clearly notice the hopelessness in her 56 when she said “OK” to my answer about the 10 business days.
Just then, I 57 the hard days during my college years when I didn’t get my allowance(津貼)in time. I just couldn’t 58 the son to undergo such a hard time, which 59 would cause his mother more stress. So, after asking my customer to 60 a moment, I went over to my manager. At my 61 , my manager agreed to put the money back on the mother’s account(賬戶) 62 .
Upon 63 the good news, the mother couldn’t stop 64 me and calling me her angel! That call certainly made my work more 65 !
46 A operators B managers C callers D friends
47 A clear B natural C hard D different
48 A in need B in time C in turn D in place
49 A as if B even though C so that D ever since
50 A anxious B ashamed C careful D curious
51 A add to B refer to C lead to D stick to
52 A chance B room C class D money
53 A arranged B conducted C ordered D stopped
54 A phone B card C machine D way
55 A rules B researches C reports D results
56 A action B voice C expression D thought
57 A reminded B recognized C remembered D rewrote
58 A allow B prevent C forbid D follow
59 A nearly B certainly C usually D typically
60 A sit B wait C speak D read
61 A request B hand C best D end
62 A immediately B conveniently C simply D preciously
63 A saying B hearing C asking D writing
64 A holding B welcoming C greeting D thanking
65 A possible B meaningful C serious D impressive
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