學(xué)習(xí)頻道 來源: 長春市十一高 2024-07-20 大 中 小
Many people’s English in reading or writing is good, but most of their spoken English is poor. How to improve your spoken English? Here are some tips.
Listen to a lot of high-quality spoken English. Listen to a higher level of language if you want good English. As a beginner, listen to instructional CDs or software. When you are ready, listen to quality news, documentaries and movies in English. 31 You will need a lot of listening to improve your English, so commit to listening for an hour or mare every day.
32 Read in English every day to increase your vocabulary. Read material you understand but gradually increase its challenge level. Try to read for 30 minutes to one hour every day.
Record your spoken English and listen to the playback. Try to hear your own strong and weak points. If you are taking an English class at a school with a language lab, ask for pronunciation software. Listen to the speakers, record your own speech and play it back to compare. 33
Pay attention to grammar when you speak. If you don’t know the rules, take a grammar class and ask English-speaking friends to correct you. 34 Language learning experts believe that we learn grammar better by hearing and reading the language.
35 Seek out opportunities to talk to English speakers. Join a club, talk to travelers and make new friends who speak English. Enjoy activities with English speakers so that you use English in real-life situations. Speaking our thoughts aloud will also help you improve your oral English.
A.Read to challenge yourself.
B.This practice will help you improve your pronunciation.
C.Improve your fluency(熟練)by speaking English every day.
D.Your need to learn good English for business or academic purposes.
E.If you don’t live in an English-speaking country, find those sources on the Internet.
F. When you are alone at home or in the car, you can also speak English out loud for practice.
G. However, don’t expect grammar exercises to take the place of listening and reading.
英語學(xué)習(xí) http://m.e-deep.com.cn/english/
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